About urSwap

There's nothing like shopping guilt-free...

Have you ever looked around the house and noticed items you've barely used, collecting dust?  You're not alone.  Whether it's an item that doesn't fit anymore, a gift you really never loved, or just something you bought and lost interest in, there's one common problem: what do you do with all this extra stuff?! 

Don't let perfectly good items die in the dark corners of your home; or worse, sell them for a fraction of their value online or the local pawn shop.  Post your items here on urSwap and sell them at the value they're truly worth... in Swap Bucks!  Once sold,  use your newly earned Swap Bucks to purchase items within the site you'll really love.  The best part?  You're buying with virtual tokens, allowing you to buy great products for FREE! 

Where it all began...

urSwap.com was created by way of a direct need.  Ever had a closet full of clothes that your kids outgrew before ever ripping off the tag?  Try a $200 baby swing set that was outgrown all too soon after its purchase.  The attempted "baby comforter" was now all but a joke to our little one, leaving one question: what in the world would we do with all this unusable stuff?!

Selling these items for pennies compared to their practically new value was not an option.  Hence, urSwap was born.

About the Team at urSwap

"ur" Swap Team is here for you.  We are a new community, built with YOU in mind.  So, we want to hear from you.  What do you love?  What would you like to see?  Visit our Contact Us page to share your thoughts.  We will be continually updating the site, all in an effort to enhance your experience here on urSwap.